Leteisha Knecht
Hampton Park VIC
Contact Details
0418 555 286
About Leteisha Knecht
My name is Leteisha and I’m a Milliner from Melbourne. The milliner behind the label Leteisha’s Millinery.
I started studying Millinery at Kangan Institute TAFE in Richmond and continued with millinery workshops through the years. I had clients who have entered fashions on the field in Western Australia and Tasmania who have won. I have entered in Design Awards for the Millinery Association and MIMC (Melbourne International Millinery Competition), Royal Melbourne Show and Oaks Day Millinery award.
In 2019 was my first year on entering the Millinery Award on Oaks Day, which was a great experience to be a part of, I have made hats for numerous designers to match their client outfits and have also had my millinery showcased in the designer award at Flemington during Melbourne Cup Carnival. Seeing my millinery on clients during Spring Racing Carnival and other race meets, is beautiful to see the complete look.
In 2022 I created a piece for the Royal Melbourne Show in the Masters Millinery and I won first place, it was very rewarding for me.
My style in Millinery I would say is each piece is unique and different, I love creating millinery by selecting the materials, to the designing and of course the making of the hat. I love that top to toe look to compliment the client outfits.
My millinery is available on the Millinery Market website.